Community Foundation of Greater Flint Film Screening

Sold Out!

Selected date

Thursday August 22

Selected time

5:30 PM  –  8:00 PM

Courtesy of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint, register to attend a film screening of St. John Street: Story of a Neighborhood. Join us at 5:30p for a light reception. The screening will begin at 6:30p followed by a discussion at 7:30p.

View the trailer for St. John Street: Story of a Neighborhood at

Description: In the city of Flint, Michigan there was once a thriving neighborhood of predominantly Black citizens known as St. John Street. But that all changed when urban renewal and the highway came through the city. Displaced and forgotten for over 60 years, see the story of a community that no longer exists, forgotten in time, until now.

The documentary production was funded by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.